







  1. **定制化设计**:我们根据剧目需求,为《梦回畲乡》量身定制了多套表演服装,从精美的刺绣图案到独特的服饰剪裁,无不彰显着畲族文化的独特魅力。

  2. **高效物流**:利用先进的物流管理系统,我们确保所有服装在预定时间内准确无误地送达演出场地,为剧组节省了大量宝贵的时间与精力。

  3. **专业维护**:租赁期间,我们提供全程跟踪服务,包括服装的清洗、熨烫及紧急维修等,确保演出期间服装始终处于最佳状态。

  4. **灵活租赁方案**:针对舞台剧短期租赁的特点,我们设计了灵活的租赁方案,既满足了客户的实际需求,又有效控制了成本。







  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Performance Costume Rental in Lishui, Zhejiang**

  Nestled in the picturesque Zhejiang province, Lishui City is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant artistic events. Recently, Yuantong Rental collaborated with the Lishui Municipal Cultural Center to provide comprehensive performance costume rental services for a grand stage play titled Dream Back to She Ethnic Township. This partnership not only garnered high praise from the client but also set a new benchmark for the industry.

  **Project Background**:

  Dream Back to She Ethnic Township is a stage play that showcases the She ethnic culture of Lishui, blending traditional elements with modern aesthetics. To accurately portray the She peoples customs and exquisite costumes, the production team was meticulous in selecting the performance attire, demanding authenticity and stage beauty. Facing tight timelines and diverse demands, the Lishui Municipal Cultural Center sought a professional and reliable rental partner to ensure a seamless production.

  **Yuantong Rentals Solution**:

  Upon understanding the clients needs, Yuantong Rental swiftly assembled a dedicated team comprising senior designers, costumiers, and logistics specialists. Through detailed discussions with the director, we identified the costume styles, color schemes, and quantity requirements. Market research followed, leading to the selection and customization of several templates inspired by She culture. Every detail, from intricate embroidery to unique silhouettes, reflected the plays narrative and artistic vision.

  **Highlights of Our Service**:

  1. **Tailored Designs**: We crafted custom costumes tailored to Dream Back to She Ethnic Township, embodying the essence of She culture.

  2. **Efficient Logistics**: Our advanced logistics system ensured timely delivery of all costumes, saving the crew valuable time and

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